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  • Katy

News: More making at the plot

Because it wasn’t raining, and the ground wasn’t flooded, and the ground wasn’t frozen...we did some more outside jobs at the main allotment site!

it felt very spring-like, and the broad bean seedlings want to be in the ground- but it’s too early!

However, we went over the four main raised beds, adding soil from previous excavations to top them up, as well as weeding them. Then we made two more arches, which increase the growing space in each small bed, by allowing things to go up!

The arches were made from sycamore thinnings, harvested from our forest school site. The site has to be managed, and part of this is to keep the sycamores at bay, as they're pretty invasive and would swamp out the slower growing oak saplings if we let them.

And two lovely bursts of snowdrops by our gate are a lovely sign of spring to come!

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