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Home ed group: Whittling foxes!


First blog post comes about 8 weeks after we started doing some more formal education sessions for the older kids- more catching up posts to come!

After 6 weeks of taster sessions including tree thinning, shelter building, rope tying, safe knife use, fire lighting, outdoor cooking and natural twine making, the home ed group decided to do whittling for this whole half term.

So far, we've set up seating (log rounds) around a new campfire site- the summer site is too wet and there are trees which could be hazardous with the ground waterlogged- and learned how to use bush knives safely for different types of cut.

This week, we were sawing wood rounds, cleaving wood to cuts using knives to make chairs and whittling cleaved wood to make animals. As you can see, the results were pretty cute!

These animals- as well as the artworks the arts group are producing- will make up part of our display at the Royal Derby Hospital, in collaboration with Air Arts-

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