Almost 100% of our blackcurrant and redcurrant cuttings have rooted- whether they were out in water, sheltered pots or straight into the ground outdoors- meaning we now have loads of lovely baby bushes in need of space to grow. They’re destined to make a hedge around our allotment orchard- but since that area needs mulching and weeding (and the clay soil has set like concrete in the dry weather) they’re all moving to a temporary home in the long border until autumn, which is a much better time to plant trees and shrubs than late spring.
An advantage of repeat moving blackcurrants in particular is that if you plant them deeper when they’re moved than they were before, they’ll send up shoots from below the ground and make a really good “stool” for the bush to develop on for the next 15 years or so... So Crow Wood should have amazing blackcurrants in a few years- home made Ribena, anyone?